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Only 16% of Russian Skyscanner users choose their own country for vacation

08:07, 16 апреля 2012

In the opinion of the free air ticket searching system Skyscanner users, high-priced and poorly developed infrastructure remain the main problems of Russian tourism. 68% of 500 respondents of the survey indicated these problems.


More than two third of participating tourists believe that it’s yet too expensive (36%) and inconvenient to travel around Russia – the infrastructure is poorly developed (32%). At the same time about 37% of the participants consider beautiful nature to be the main potential of domestic tourism and 18% consider that it’s the rich history of Russia. About 10% of the respondents lamented that they can’t find the information about the places which are to be visited; 9% believe that places of interest and museums are in a sad state; 7% pointed out that the territory of Russia is not covered enough with regular flights. 4% more believe that organized tourism is poorly developed in the country, and they “don’t want to travel on their own”.


If Russians had an opportunity to travel around whole Russia within one year, they would have travelled to Baikal (25%), Altay (14%) and the Far East (13%). Karelia (11%), Solovetskie Islands (7%), the Black Sea (6%), St. Petersburg (6%), the Caucasus (6%), Urals (3%) and Siberia (3%) are among ten most-wanted places in Russia.


The results of the survey show that due to the above-named problems home the country is chosen as a place for vacation only in 16% of cases. The majority (41%) prefer to explore native lands on weekends or in the format of short-term trips. “To change the situation, first of all, the prices for such trips should be reduced”, - believes the Manager of Russian Market Development of Skyscanner, Tatyana Danilova.

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