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Germany pleases with stable demand

11:48, 27 августа 2012

Germany is among five most popular travel destinations in Russia. Southern regions are in great demand. Munich heads the list and is followed by Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main and Baden Baden. Destinations’ operators say about stable demand with few fluctuations mostly in the black.


Megapolus Tours’ General Director Viktoria Kizimova notes the sales being on last year’s level, however, she doesn’t doubt that first autumn months will show about 10-15% growth. “September and October are traditionally good months for Germany, - she noted. – Besides, partners have vacant reservations for Oktoberfest which were difficult to get a month ago”. But as Mrs. Kazimova noted, the depth of sales is worth this year, and it refers not only to Germany. Partners didn’t rise prices but within the inner inflation – 2-5%. “The carriage rose in price, but Berlin remains one of the cheapest destination of the country”, - stressed Viktoria Kizimova. According to her this season privet tours grew by 20%. As a rule such clients ask for excursion route about two-three cities often on rented car, or a combo tour visiting any of the neighboring countries.


Central Travel Agency Company speaks about the increase of private tours to Germany. The General Director Svetlana Divakova says clients often bring prepared routes and ask to realize their program which means adding transfers, excursions and hotel bookings. “Sales remain on same level, the main demand is for Bavaria region, - she explained. – Partner prices slightly rose, but the carriage rose by 20%”.  In autumn the company plans to start new programs being interesting by prices and terms of stay. In particular it’s Frankfurt with its nearby popular resorts and Wiesbaden. According to Mrs. Divakova, the season is not worse than the last year’s.


According to Chaika Tour Commercial Director Alexander Turchenko, the summer is calm, sales for Germany show 20% growth. He believes that there’s abundance of traveling due to the wide choice, mostly for individuals. Besides stably demanded Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, the demand for Stuttgart rose due to regular Aeroflot flights. “There are daily flights but they’ew fully booked. Earlier this area wasn’t embraced by our airlines, but, to my mind, now there are enough flights to the Baden Vyurtemberg region”, - considers Mr. Turchenko. He reminded that there are a lot of interesting places for tourists such as Porsche and Mercedes museums, Mettsingen outlets, Formula-1 racing route, Europe park, Legoland, etc. It’s in demand among Russians not for the first year, but now it’s even easier to get there through Stuttgart.


“It’s the first summer we deal with excursion tours to Germany and it’s a good season for a startup. Mostly people book tours 1.5 month in advance, so now tours for September and the beginning of October are being booked. And thought we offer different cities, 80% of our clients prefer Munich”, - said Anna Panina, the head of the European department of Vendi Tour Group Company. She specified that Germany was cut out as a self-excursion destination due to constantly growing demand for combo tours Prague + Munich or Berlin. However, combo tours to both countries remain among favorites. “The season is going on well. Next year we plan to expand the range of excursion routs”, - added Mrs. Panina.

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