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Russia and USA agreed on simplification of visa application procedures

08:07, 17 июня 2011

Russia and USA are about to sign an agreement on simplification of mutual visa regime. According to Interfax, the Ambassador of USA to Russia Mr. John Beyrle during his speech at the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum revealed that “in three weeks Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sergey Lavrov will sign an agreement aimed at improvement of visa regime”.

According to Mr. Bayrle the agreement in question will imply the issuing three-year of multi-visas to business structures and tourists. “Besides that the agreement will cancel the requirement of visa support invitation letters for both countries, which is very important” – pointed out the Ambassador.

John Bayrle believes that the agreement will become one of the most important documents aimed at development of the bilateral relations between the two countries.

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